Modeling & Assembly Concepts
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Article TitleModeling & Assembly Concepts

In this Article :

Modeling Concepts
Assembly Concepts

Modeling Concepts

ZW3D is a powerful yet easy to use parametric feature-based CAD program that allows you to design parts quickly and intuitively. Wireframe, surface, and solid features are seamlessly integrated into the part model to provide optimum flexibility in design applications.
There is a natural sequence in which parts are designed with ZW3D. This includes the use of datum planes, sketches, and external references for creating wireframe, surface, and solid features. This section contains a review of these basic part modeling concepts.

Assembly Concepts

Basic Assembly of Part1
You can build assembly models the same way you design them - from the "bottom up" or from the "top down." In either case, the assembly is made up of components that are either created or inserted (instanced) into the assembly.

When components are added to an assembly, parent/child relationships are formed. These relationships are graphically displayed in an assembly tree. Components are parametrically related by alignment constraints. These constraints contain information about how a component should be positioned within the assembly hierarchy and how it should react if other components are modified.

Working within the context of an assembly is made easier by allowing you to apply more commands to other components and sub-assemblies (that are not active). These include the Inquire, Point, Annotation Text, Datum Plane and Pattern Component commands. Large assembly performance is enhanced by eliminating unnecessary redraws and enhanced display management while zooming.

Assembly models contain more information than simply the sum of their components. With assembly modeling you can perform interference checks between components and inquire assembly specific information such as mass properties data. The figure below shows a basic assembly and is used to illustrates the "bottom up" and "top down" design approaches with ZW3D.