Layer Manager
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Article Title Layer Manager

In this Article:

About the Layer Manager
Using the Layer Manager
Show Layer Information
Synchronize Layers
Tips & Techniques

About the Layer Manager

Invoked byTools > Layer Manager (Part/Sheet Level)

Layer ManagerUse Layer Manager to create, edit, delete, close, activate and freeze layers. Entities can be assigned to different layers to help manage design data. For example, reference geometry can be assigned to a different layer than part geometry.

You can create 256 (i.e., 0-255) numbered or named layers. When a new part is created it contains one layer named "Layer0000". You can set default attributes for a layer and new entities will be assigned those attributes automatically.

Using the Layer Manager

Button Functions
Use this button to activate a layer. This layer will be turned to "On" status automatically and new entities will be assigned to it.
Use this button to create a new layer. The new layer copies the currently active layer's attributes by default. You can edit these attributes by clicking the corresponding cell.
To delete one or more layers. You cannot delete a layer if entities are currently assigned to it or the layer is "Layer0000" that created by ZW3D default. If you delete the active layer, the first layer in the list is automatically activated.
Import layers information to layer manager from other file.
Export layers information to other file.
Accept the changes for the layer manager and close the dialog box.
Apply changes for the layer manager without closing the dialog box.
Close the dialog box without saving any changes.
Cell Functions
Double-click this cell to activate the specified layer. You also can use Activate button to activate a layer. A tag will display before the activated layer.
The layer name. Double-click this cell to edit it.
Click this cell to toggle all selected layers on or off. When a layer is off, all of its entities are blanked, until it is turned on again, all of its entities will be unblanked.
Blank commands (i.e., Blank/Unblank, Unblank all and Swap Blank) cannot be applied to an entity whose layer is off.
Click this cell to toggle all selected layers frozen or unfrozen. Entities on a frozen layer cannot be picked interactively.
Color/Line sytle/Line width(Only for Sheet)
Click this cell to edit the color, linetype and linewidth of the layer.
Description of layer. Double-click the cell to edit it.
Object Count
The object number that assigned to a layer. This cell cannot be edited.

Show Layer Information

Document Aware Toolbar(Part/Sheet Level)

This command displays information about a layer. The information includes name, on/off status, frozen status and entity count totals. More details please reference to the Show entities information dialog box.


Synchronize Layers

Document Aware Toolbar (Part Level)

Use this command to re-synch entity visibility with the layer On/Off status if the blank flags become out-of-synch. This may happen when stepping through a history regen. During this time, all regenerated entities are shown until Sync is selected, which will blank all entities on layers that are Off.
A Sync is automatically executed at the end of an automatic replay (i.e., a regen) that goes to completion without stopping. If a regen stops part way through because of an error, all entities are shown until Sync is selected. This option will pause the current command until completion.

Tips & Techniques

Using (Ctrl) and (Shift) Keys for Selection
you can use the (Ctrl) and (Shift) keys for multiple selections. (Ctrl)+(A) will select all layers in layer manager; (Ctrl)+(Left-click) to select/deselect a layer; (Shift)+(Left-click) will select a set of a continuous layers. All other layers are unpicked. You can edit the attributes of all selected layer simultaneously.